Source code for cask

# Copyright (c) 2012-2015,
#  Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc. and
#  Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd.
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# *       Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# *       Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
# distribution.
# *       Neither the name of Sony Pictures Imageworks, nor
# Industrial Light & Magic, nor the names of their contributors may be used
# to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
# prior written permission.

__doc__ = """
Cask is a high level convenience wrapper for the Alembic Python API. It blurs
the lines between Alembic "I" and "O" objects and properties, abstracting both
into a single class object. It also wraps up a number of lower-level functions
into high level convenience methods.

More information can be found at
__version__ = "0.9.6g"

import os
import re
import imath
import ctypes
import weakref
import alembic
from functools import wraps

# maps cask objects to Alembic IObjects
    "Camera": alembic.AbcGeom.ICamera,
    "Collections": alembic.AbcCollection.ICollections,
    "Curve": alembic.AbcGeom.ICurves,
    "FaceSet": alembic.AbcGeom.IFaceSet,
    "Light": alembic.AbcGeom.ILight,
    "Material": alembic.AbcMaterial.IMaterial,
    "NuPatch": alembic.AbcGeom.INuPatch,
    "Points": alembic.AbcGeom.IPoints,
    "PolyMesh": alembic.AbcGeom.IPolyMesh,
    "SubD": alembic.AbcGeom.ISubD,
    "Xform": alembic.AbcGeom.IXform,

# maps cask objects to Alembic OObjects
    "Camera": alembic.AbcGeom.OCamera,
    "Collections": alembic.AbcCollection.OCollections,
    "Curve": alembic.AbcGeom.OCurves,
    "FaceSet": alembic.AbcGeom.OFaceSet,
    "Light": alembic.AbcGeom.OLight,
    "Material": alembic.AbcMaterial.OMaterial,
    "NuPatch": alembic.AbcGeom.ONuPatch,
    "Points": alembic.AbcGeom.OPoints,
    "PolyMesh": alembic.AbcGeom.OPolyMesh,
    "SubD": alembic.AbcGeom.OSubD,
    "Xform": alembic.AbcGeom.OXform,

# maps cask objects to Alembic IObject schemas
    "Camera": alembic.AbcGeom.ICameraSchema,
    "Collections": alembic.AbcCollection.ICollectionsSchema,
    "Curve": alembic.AbcGeom.ICurvesSchema,
    "FaceSet": alembic.AbcGeom.IFaceSetSchema,
    "Light": alembic.AbcGeom.ILightSchema,
    "Material": alembic.AbcMaterial.IMaterialSchema,
    "NuPatch": alembic.AbcGeom.INuPatchSchema,
    "Points": alembic.AbcGeom.IPointsSchema,
    "PolyMesh": alembic.AbcGeom.IPolyMeshSchema,
    "SubD": alembic.AbcGeom.ISubDSchema,
    "Xform": alembic.AbcGeom.IXformSchema,

def int8(n):
    return ctypes.c_int8(n & 0xff).value

def int16(n):
    return ctypes.c_int16(n & 0xffff).value

def int32(n):
    return ctypes.c_int32(n & 0xffffffff).value

def int64(n):
    return ctypes.c_int64(n & 0xffffffffffffffff).value

def uint8(n):
    return ctypes.c_uint8(n).value

def uint16(n):
    return ctypes.c_uint16(n).value

def uint32(n):
    return ctypes.c_uint32(n).value

def uint64(n):
    return ctypes.c_uint64(n).value

# Python class mapping to Imath array class
    bool: imath.BoolArray,
    float: imath.FloatArray,
    imath.Box2d: imath.Box2dArray,
    imath.Box2f: imath.Box2fArray,
    imath.Box2i: imath.Box2iArray,
    imath.Box2s: imath.Box2sArray,
    imath.Box3d: imath.Box3dArray,
    imath.Box3f: imath.Box3fArray,
    imath.Box3i: imath.Box3iArray,
    imath.Box3s: imath.Box3sArray,
    imath.Color3c: imath.C3cArray,
    imath.Color3f: imath.C3fArray,
    imath.Color4c: imath.C4cArray,
    imath.Color4f: imath.C4fArray,
    imath.M33d: imath.M33dArray,
    imath.M33f: imath.M33fArray,
    imath.M44d: imath.M44dArray,
    imath.M44f: imath.M44fArray,
    imath.V2d: imath.V2dArray,
    imath.V2f: imath.V2fArray,
    imath.V2i: imath.V2iArray,
    imath.V2s: imath.V2sArray,
    imath.V3d: imath.V3dArray,
    imath.V3f: imath.V3fArray,
    imath.V3i: imath.V3iArray,
    imath.V3s: imath.V3sArray,
    imath.V4d: imath.V4dArray,
    imath.V4f: imath.V4fArray,
    imath.V4i: imath.V4iArray,
    imath.V4s: imath.V4sArray,
    int: imath.IntArray,
    str: imath.StringArray,
    uint8: imath.UnsignedCharArray,
    uint16: imath.UnsignedShortArray,
    uint32: imath.UnsignedIntArray,

# Python class mapping to Alembic POD, extent
    bool: (alembic.Util.POD.kBooleanPOD, -1),
    uint8: (alembic.Util.POD.kUint8POD, -1),
    int8: (alembic.Util.POD.kInt8POD, -1),
    uint16: (alembic.Util.POD.kUint16POD, -1),
    int16: (alembic.Util.POD.kInt16POD, -1),
    uint32: (alembic.Util.POD.kUint32POD, -1),
    int: (alembic.Util.POD.kInt32POD, -1),
    int32: (alembic.Util.POD.kInt32POD, -1),
    uint64: (alembic.Util.POD.kUint64POD, -1),
    int64: (alembic.Util.POD.kInt64POD, -1),
    #float: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat16POD, -1),
    #float: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat32POD, -1),
    float: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat64POD, -1),
    str: (alembic.Util.POD.kStringPOD, -1),
    #str: (alembic.Util.POD.kWstringPOD, -1),
    imath.V3f: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat32POD, -1),
    imath.Color3c: (alembic.Util.POD.kUint8POD, -1),
    imath.Color3f: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat32POD, -1),
    imath.Color4c: (alembic.Util.POD.kUint8POD, -1),
    imath.Color4f: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat32POD, -1),
    imath.Box3f: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat32POD, 6),
    imath.Box3d: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat64POD, 6),
    imath.M33f: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat32POD, 9),
    imath.M33d: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat64POD, 9),
    imath.M44f: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat32POD, 16),
    imath.M44d: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat64POD, 16),
    imath.StringArray: (alembic.Util.POD.kStringPOD, -1),
    imath.UnsignedCharArray: (alembic.Util.POD.kUint8POD, -1),
    #imath.UnsignedIntArray: (alembic.Util.POD.kUint32POD, -1),
    imath.IntArray: (alembic.Util.POD.kInt32POD, -1),
    imath.FloatArray: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat32POD, -1),
    imath.DoubleArray: (alembic.Util.POD.kFloat64POD, -1),
    #: (alembic.Util.POD.kNumPlainOldDataTypes, -1),
    #: (alembic.Util.POD.kUnknownPOD, -1),

_COMPOUND_PROPERTY_VALUE_ERROR_ = "Compound properties cannot have values"

def get_simple_oprop_class(prop):
    Returns the alembic simple property class based on a given name and value.

    :param prop: Property object
    :return: Alembic OProperty class
    if prop.is_compound():
        return alembic.Abc.OCompoundProperty
    value = prop.values[0] if len(prop.values) > 0 else []
    if prop.iobject:
        is_array = prop.iobject.isArray()
        is_array = type(value) in [list, set] and len(value) > 1 
    if is_array:
        return alembic.Abc.OArrayProperty
    return alembic.Abc.OScalarProperty

def _delist(val):
    """Returns single value if list len is 1"""
    return val[0] if type(val) in [list, set] and len(val) == 1 else val

def python_to_imath(value):
    """Converts Python lists to Imath arrays."""
    if value in IMATH_ARRAYS_BY_TYPE.values():
        return value
    value = _delist(value)
    is_array = type(value) in (set, list)
    value0 = value[0] if is_array and len(value) > 0 else value
    if is_array:
        new_value = IMATH_ARRAYS_BY_TYPE.get(type(value0))(len(value))
        for i, v in enumerate(value):
            new_value[i] = v
        return new_value
    return value

def get_pod_extent(prop):
    """Returns POD, extent tuple for given Property."""
    if len(prop.values) <= 0:
        return 1
    value = _delist(prop.values[0])
    is_array = type(value) in (set, list)
    value0 = value[0] if is_array and len(value) > 0 else value
        pod, extent = POD_EXTENT.get(type(value0))
    except TypeError as err:
        print "Error getting pod, extent from", prop, value0
        return (alembic.Util.POD.kUnknownPOD, 1)
    if extent <= 0:
       extent = (len(value0)
            if prop.is_scalar() and
            (type(value0) not in (str, unicode) and hasattr(value0, '__len__'))
            else 1
    return (pod, extent)

def wrapped(func):
    This decorator function decorates Object methods that require
    access to the alembic schema class.
    def with_wrapped_object(*args, **kwargs):
        """wraps internal alembic iobject"""
        iobj = args[0].iobject
        for klass in IOBJECTS.values():
            if iobj and klass.matches(iobj.getMetaData()):
                args[0].iobject = klass(iobj.getParent(), iobj.getName())
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return with_wrapped_object

def wrap(iobject, time_sampling_id=None):
    Returns a cask-wrapped class object based on the class method "matches".
    if iobject.getName() == "ABC":
        return Top(iobject)
    for cls in Object.__subclasses__():
        if cls.matches(iobject):
            return cls(iobject, time_sampling_id=time_sampling_id)
    return Object(iobject)

[docs]def is_valid(archive): """ Returns True if the archive is a valid alembic archive. """ try: alembic.Abc.IArchive(archive) return True except RuntimeError: return False
[docs]def find(obj, name=".*", types=None): """ Finds and returns a list of Objects with names matching a given regular expression. :: >>> find(, ".*Shape") [<PolyMesh "cube1Shape">, <PolyMesh "cube2Shape">] :param name: Regular expression to match object name :param types: Class type inclusion list :return: Sorted list of Object results """ results = [r for r in find_iter(obj, name, types)] return sorted(results, key=lambda x:
[docs]def find_iter(obj, name=".*", types=None): """ Generator that yields Objects with names matching a given regular expression. :param name: Regular expression to match object name :param types: Class type inclusion list :yields: Object with name matching name regex """ if re.match(name, and (types is None or obj.type() in types): yield obj for child in obj.children.values(): for grandchild in find_iter(child, name, types): yield grandchild
def copy(item, name=None): import copy as _copy name = name or new_item = item.__class__(name=name) if item.metadata: new_item.metadata = _copy.copy(item.metadata) if item._iobject: new_item._iobject = item._iobject new_item.time_sampling_id = item.time_sampling_id if type(item) in Object.__subclasses__(): for child in item.children.values(): new_item.children[] = copy(child) for prop in[] = copy(prop) elif type(item) == Property: if item.datatype: new_item.datatype = item.datatype for prop in[] = copy(prop) return new_item def _deep_getitem(access_func, key): """ Facilitates deep dict get item on DeepDict class. """ split_key = key.split('/') start = split_key[0] rest = '/'.join(split_key[1:]) return access_func(start).get_item(rest) class DeepDict(dict): """ Special dict subclass that allows deep dictionary access, renaming when setting items and reflective reparenting. """ def __init__(self, parent, klass=None): super(DeepDict, self).__init__() self.parent = parent self.klass = klass self.visited = False def __getitem__(self, item): if type(item) == str: if item.startswith("/"): item = item[1:] if item.endswith("/"): item = item[:-1] if "/" in item: return _deep_getitem(self.__getitem__, item) else: item = super(DeepDict, self).__getitem__(item) item._parent = self.parent return item def __setitem__(self, name, item): if self.klass and not isinstance(item, self.klass): raise Exception("Invalid item class: %s" % item.type()) obj = self.parent new = False if "/" in name: names = name.split("/") for name in names: try: if type(item) == Property: obj =[name] else: obj = obj.children[name] except KeyError: # automatically create missing nodes if name != names[-1]: if type(item) == Property: child =[name] = Property() else: child = obj.children[name] = Xform() child.parent = obj obj = child new = True if new is False: obj = obj.parent return obj.set_item(name, item) item._name = name item._parent = obj self.visited = True return super(DeepDict, self).__setitem__(name, item) def remove(self, key): """Removes an item if it exists.""" if key and self.has_key(key): self.pop(key)
[docs]class Archive(object): """Archive I/O Object""" def __init__(self, filepath=None, fps=24): """ Creates a new Archive class object. :param filepath: Path to Alembic archive file. :param fps: Frames per second (default 24). """ if filepath and not os.path.isfile(filepath): raise RuntimeError("Nonexistent file: %s" % filepath) self.filepath = None = id(self) # internal object attributes self._iobject = None self._oobject = None self._top = None # time sampling attributes self.time_sampling_id = 0 self.fps = fps self.__start_time = None self.__end_time = None # read in the archive self.__read_from_file(filepath) def __repr__(self): return '<%s "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.filepath) def __eq__(self, other): return == def __get_iobject(self): """gets iobject""" if self._iobject is None: if self.filepath and os.path.exists(self.filepath): self._iobject = alembic.Abc.IArchive(self.filepath) return self._iobject def __set_iobject(self, iobject): """sets iobject""" self._iobject = iobject iobject = property(__get_iobject, __set_iobject, doc="Internal Alembic IArchive object.") def __get_oobject(self): """gets oobject""" if self._oobject is None: if self.filepath and not os.path.exists(self.filepath): self._oobject = alembic.Abc.OArchive(self.filepath, asOgawa=True) = self._oobject.getTop() return self._oobject def __set_oobject(self, oobject): """sets oobject""" self._oobject = oobject oobject = property(__get_oobject, __set_oobject, doc="Internal Alembic OArchive object.") def __get_top(self): """gets the top object""" if not self._top: self._top = Top(self) if self.iobject: self._top = Top(self, self.iobject.getTop()) if self.oobject: if not self._top: self._top = Top(self, self.oobject.getTop()) self._top.oobject = self.oobject.getTop() return self._top def __set_top(self, top): """sets the top object""" self._top = top top = property(__get_top, __set_top, doc="Hierarchy root, cask.Top object.") def __read_from_file(self, filepath): """ Reads and sets the internal IArchive object. """ self.filepath = filepath self.iobject = None self.oobject = None = None self.__get_iobject() self.__time_sampling_objects = [] self.time_sampling_id = max(len(self.timesamplings) - 1, 0)
[docs] def info(self): """Returns a metadata dictionary.""" return alembic.Abc.GetArchiveInfo(self.iobject)
[docs] def alembic_version(self): """ Returns the version of alembic used to write this archive. """ version ='libraryVersionString') return"\d.\d.\d", version).group(0)
[docs] def using_version(self): """ Returns the version of alembic used to read this archive. """ return alembic.Abc.GetLibraryVersionShort()
[docs] def type(self): """Returns "Archive".""" return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def path(self): """Returns the filepath for this Archive.""" return self.filepath
[docs] def is_leaf(self): """Returns False.""" return False
@property def name(self): """Returns the basename of this archive.""" return os.path.basename(self.filepath) @property def timesamplings(self): """ Generator that yields tuples of (index, TimeSampling) objects. """ if not self.__time_sampling_objects and self.iobject: iarch = self.iobject num_samples = iarch.getNumTimeSamplings() return [iarch.getTimeSampling(i) for i in range(num_samples)] return self.__time_sampling_objects def add_timesampling(self, ts): if ts not in self.timesamplings: self.__time_sampling_objects.append(ts) self.__start_time = self.__end_time = None return self.timesamplings.index(ts)
[docs] def time_range(self): """ Returns a tuple of the global start and end time in seconds. ** Depends on the X.samples property being set on the Top node, which is currently being written by Maya only. ** """ top_props = g_start_frame, g_end_time = (None, None) if self.__start_time is not None and self.__end_time is not None: return (self.__start_time, self.__end_time) num_stored_times = 1 for index, ts in enumerate(self.timesamplings): tst = ts.getTimeSamplingType() if tst.isCyclic() or tst.isUniform(): tpc = tst.getNumSamplesPerCycle() self.__start_time = ts.getStoredTimes()[0] self.__end_time = self.__start_time +\ (((self.iobject.getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(index) / tpc) - 1)\ / float(self.fps)) elif tst.isAcyclic(): num_times = ts.getNumStoredTimes() num_stored_times = num_times self.__start_time = ts.getSampleTime(0) self.__end_time = ts.getSampleTime(num_times-1) if self.__start_time is None: self.__start_time = 0.0 if self.__end_time is None: self.__end_time = 0.0 return (self.__start_time, self.__end_time)
[docs] def start_time(self): """Returns the global start time in seconds.""" return self.time_range()[0]
[docs] def set_start_time(self, start): """Sets the start time in seconds.""" self.__start_time = start if start > self.__end_time: self.__end_time = start
[docs] def start_frame(self): """Returns the start frame.""" return round(self.start_time() * self.fps)
[docs] def set_start_frame(self, frame): """Sets the start frame.""" self.__start_time = frame / float(self.fps)
[docs] def end_time(self): """Returns the global end time in seconds.""" return self.time_range()[1]
[docs] def end_frame(self): """Returns the last frame.""" return round(self.end_time() * self.fps)
[docs] def frame_range(self): """Returns a tuple of the global start and end times in frames.""" return (self.start_frame(), self.end_frame())
[docs] def close(self): """Closes this archive and makes it immutable.""" def close_tree(obj): """recursive close""" for child in obj.children.values(): close_tree(child) del child obj.close() del obj for child in close_tree(child) del child self._iobject = None self._oobject = None self._top._iobject = None self._top._oobject = None self._top._parent = None self._top._child_dict.clear() self._top._prop_dict.clear()
def __write(self): """ Recursively calls save() on object hierarchy. Normally, you will want to call write_to_file instead. """ if not self.oobject: raise ValueError("No output filepath specified") def save_tree(obj): """recursive save""" for child in obj.children.values(): save_tree(child) child.close() del child obj.close() del obj for child in save_tree(child) # TODO: non-destructive saving (changes are lost)
[docs] def write_to_file(self, filepath=None, asOgawa=True): """ Writes this archive to a file on disk and closes the Archive. """ smps = [] # look for timesampling data on the iarchive first if self.iobject and not self.oobject: smps = [(i, ts) for i, ts in enumerate(self.timesamplings)] # is none exist, create a new one if not smps: smps.append((1, alembic.AbcCoreAbstract.TimeSampling( 1 / float(self.fps), self.start_time()))) self.time_sampling_id = 1 # create the oarchive if not self.oobject: # support for Ogawa archives via CreateArchiveWithInfo # came in Alembic 1.5.7 m1, m2, m3 = (int(m) for m in self.using_version().split(".")) if m1 ==1 and m2 <= 5 and m3 < 7: self.oobject = alembic.Abc.OArchive(filepath, asOgawa=asOgawa) else: if md = else: md = alembic.AbcCoreAbstract.MetaData() for k, v in md.set(k, v) self.oobject = alembic.Abc.CreateArchiveWithInfo( filepath, "cask %s" % __version__, "", #str(, md, 1 ) = self.oobject.getTop() # set timesampling objects on the oarchive for i, time_sample in smps: self.oobject.addTimeSampling(time_sample) self.__write() self.close()
[docs]class Property(object): """Property I/O Object.""" def __init__(self, iproperty=None, time_sampling_id=0, name=None, klass=None): """ :param iproperty: Alembic IProperty class object. :param time_sampling_id: TimeSampling object ID (inherits down). :param name: Property name :param klass: OProperty class used for writing """ super(Property, self).__init__() = id(self) # init some private variables self._parent = None self._name = name self._metadata = {} self._datatype = None self._iobject = iproperty self._oobject = None self._klass = klass self._values = [] self._prop_dict = DeepDict(self, Property) self.time_sampling_id = time_sampling_id # if we have an iproperty, get some values from it if iproperty: self.__read_property(iproperty) def __repr__(self): return '<Property "%s">' %
[docs] def get_item(self, item): """used for deep dict access""" return[item]
[docs] def set_item(self, name, item): """used for deep dict access"""[name] = item
def __get_iobject(self): """gets iproperty""" return self._iobject def __set_iobject(self, iobject): """sets iproperty""" self._iobject = iobject iobject = property(__get_iobject, __set_iobject, doc="Internal Alembic IProperty object.") def __get_oobject(self): """sets oproperty""" parent = None if not self._oobject and self.parent: if self.iobject: meta = self.iobject.getMetaData() else: meta = alembic.AbcCoreAbstract.MetaData() for k, v in self.metadata.items(): meta.set(k, v) if not self._klass: self._klass = get_simple_oprop_class(self) if self.is_compound() and self.iobject: meta.set('schema', self.iobject.getMetaData().get('schema')) if type(self.parent) == Property and self.parent.is_compound(): parent = self.parent.oobject else: if hasattr(self.parent.oobject, 'getProperties'): parent = self.parent.oobject.getProperties() if parent and parent.getPropertyHeader( # pre-existing property exists, see Property.__get_oobject pass elif parent and self._klass: if self.is_compound(): self._oobject = self._klass( parent,, meta, self.time_sampling_id ) elif self.datatype: self._oobject = self._klass( parent,, self.datatype, meta, self.time_sampling_id ) return self._oobject def __set_oobject(self, oobject): """sets oproperty""" self._oobject = oobject oobject = property(__get_oobject, __set_oobject, doc="Internal Alembic OProperty object.") def is_scalar(self): if not self._klass: self._klass = get_simple_oprop_class(self) return self._klass == alembic.Abc.OScalarProperty def is_array(self): return not self.is_scalar() def __get_parent(self): """gets parent""" if self._parent is None and self.iobject: self._parent = wrap(self.iobject.getParent()) return self._parent def __set_parent(self, parent): """sets parent""" self._parent = parent parent = property(__get_parent, __set_parent, doc="Parent object or property.") def __get_name(self): """gets name""" if not self._name: if self.iobject: self._name = self.iobject.getName() else: self._name = None return self._name def __set_name(self, name): """sets name""" old = self._name self._name = name if self._parent and hasattr(self._parent, "_prop_dict"): if old and old in[name] = self name = property(__get_name, __set_name, doc="Gets and sets the property name.") def __get_metadata(self): """Returns metadata dict.""" if not self._metadata and self.iobject: meta = self.iobject.getMetaData() for field in meta.serialize().split(';'): splits = field.split('=') key = splits[0].replace('_ai_','') value = '='.join(splits[1:]) self._metadata[key] = value return self._metadata def __set_metadata(self, metadata): """Sets metadata dict.""" self._metadata = metadata metadata = property(__get_metadata, __set_metadata, doc="Metadata as a dict.") def __get_datatype(self): """Returns the datatype object.""" if not self._datatype: if self.iobject: self._datatype = self.iobject.getDataType() elif len(self.values) > 0: pod, extent = get_pod_extent(self) if pod is None: raise Exception("Unknown datatype for %s: %s" % (, self.values[0])) self._datatype = alembic.AbcCoreAbstract.DataType(pod, extent) return self._datatype def __set_datatype(self, datatype): """Sets the datatype object.""" self._datatype = datatype datatype = property(__get_datatype, __set_datatype, doc="DataType object.")
[docs] def type(self): """Returns the name of the class.""" if self.is_compound(): return "Compound Property" return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def pod(self): """Returns the property's datatype POD value.""" return self.datatype.getPod()
[docs] def extent(self): """Returns the property's datatype extent.""" return self.datatype.getExtent()
[docs] def archive(self): """Returns the Archive for this property.""" parent = self.parent while parent and parent.type() != "Archive": parent = parent.parent return parent
[docs] def path(self): """Returns the full path/name of this property.""" path = [""] obj = self while obj and obj.type() != "Top": path.insert(1, obj = obj.parent return "/".join(path)
[docs] def object(self): """Returns the object parent for this property.""" obj = self.parent while obj and "Property" in obj.type(): obj = obj.parent return obj
[docs] def add_property(self, prop): """ Add a property to this, making this property a compound property. :param property: cask.Property class object. """ if len(self.values) > 0: raise TypeError("Properties with values cannot have sub-properies")[] = prop
def __read_property(self, iproperty=None): """ Sets the internal IProperty object. :param iproperty: Alembic IProperty object. """ if iproperty: self.iobject = iproperty = iproperty.getName() if iproperty.isCompound(): for i in range(self.iobject.getNumProperties()): self.add_property(Property( iproperty = iproperty.getProperty(i), time_sampling_id = self.time_sampling_id ) ) @property def properties(self): """Child properties accessor.""" return self._prop_dict
[docs] def is_leaf(self): """ Returns True if this property is a leaf node, i.e. it has no sub-properties. """ return len( == 0
[docs] def is_compound(self): """ Returns True if this property contains sub-properties. Note that compound properties cannot have values, and simple properties cannont have sub-properties. """ if self.iobject: return self.iobject.isCompound() return len( > 0
def __get_sample_index(self, time=None, frame=None): """ Converts time in secs or frame number to sample index. :param time: time in seconds. :param frame: frame number. :return: sample index. """ if len( > 0: raise TypeError(_COMPOUND_PROPERTY_VALUE_ERROR_) ts = self.object().schema.getTimeSampling() numSamples = self.object().schema.getNumSamples() if time is not None: return ts.getNearIndex(float(time), numSamples) elif frame is not None: return ts.getNearIndex((frame / self.archive().fps), numSamples) else: return 0 @property def values(self): """ Returns dictionary of values stored on this property. """ if not self.is_compound() and not self._values and self.iobject: for i in range(len(self.iobject.samples)): try: self._values.insert(i, self.iobject.samples[i]) except RuntimeError, err: print "Bad value on sample:", i, err self._values.insert(i, str(err)) return self._values
[docs] def get_value(self, index=None, time=None, frame=None): """ Returns a the value stored on this property for a given sample index, time or frame. Provide one of the following args. If none are provided, it will return the 0th value. :param index: sample index :param time: time in seconds :param frame: frame number (assumes 24fps, to change set on archive) """ if self.is_compound(): raise TypeError(_COMPOUND_PROPERTY_VALUE_ERROR_) if index == None and time == None and frame == None: index = 0 elif index is None: index = self.__get_sample_index(time, frame) try: return self.values[index] except (KeyError, IndexError): val = self.iobject.getValue(index) self.values[index] = val return val
[docs] def set_value(self, value, index=None, time=None, frame=None): """ Sets a value on the property at a given index. Provide one of the following args. If none are provided, it will append to the end. :param index: sample index :param time: time in seconds :param frame: frame number (assumes 24fps, to change set on archive) """ if self.is_compound(): raise TypeError(_COMPOUND_PROPERTY_VALUE_ERROR_) value = _delist(value) if index == None and time == None and frame == None: index = len(self._values) elif index is None: index = self.__get_sample_index(time, frame) if index < len(self.values): self.values[index] = value else: self.values.append(value)
[docs] def clear_properties(self): """Clears the properties container.""" self._prop_dict = DeepDict(self, Property)
[docs] def clear_values(self): """Clears the values container.""" self._values = []
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes this property by removing references to internal OProperty. """ if self.parent and in del[] self._iobject = None self._oobject = None self._klass = None self._parent = None self._values = [] for prop in prop.close()
[docs] def save(self): """ Walks sub-tree and creates corresponding alembic OProperty classes, if they don't exist, and sets values. """ if self.oobject and not self.is_compound(): if in (".selfBnds", ".childBnds"): self.oobject.getMetaData().set("interpretation", "box") for value in self.values: try: value = python_to_imath(value) self.oobject.setValue(value) except Exception, err: print "Error setting value on %s: %s %s\n%s" \ % (, value, self._klass, err) del value else: for prop in up = False if not prop.iobject and not prop.object().iobject: if == ".childBnds": prop._oobject = prop.object().oobject.getSchema().getChildBoundsProperty() elif == ".userProperties": up = Property() up._oobject = prop.object().oobject.getSchema().getUserProperties()[] = prop prop.parent = up else: prop.parent = self prop.close() del prop if up: up.close() del up self.close()
[docs]class Object(object): """Base I/O Object class.""" _sample_class = None def __init__(self, iobject=None, schema=None, time_sampling_id=None, name=None): """ :param iobject: Any alembic.Abc.IObject subclass object :param schema: Any alembic.Abc.ISchema subclass object :param time_sampling_id: The ID of the TimeSampling object """ super(Object, self).__init__() = id(self) # init some private variables self._name = name self._metadata = {} self._isamples = [] self._osamples = [] self._iobject = iobject self._oobject = None self._klass = None self._schema = schema self._parent = None self._is_animated = None self._tsid = time_sampling_id self._prop_dict = DeepDict(self, Property) self._child_dict = DeepDict(self, Object) # init some stuff self.clear_all() self.__read_object() def __repr__(self): return '<%s "%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__,
[docs] def get_item(self, item): """used for deep dict access""" return self.children[item]
[docs] def set_item(self, name, item): """used for deep dict access""" self.children[name] = item
@property def __sample_methods(self): """gets this object's sample methods""" return dir(self._sample_class) def __get_iobject(self): """gets iobject""" return self._iobject def __set_iobject(self, iobject): """sets iobject""" self._iobject = iobject iobject = property(__get_iobject, __set_iobject, doc="Internal Alembic IObject object.") def __get_oobject(self): """gets oobject""" # Using OObject subclasses (like OXform) automatically # creates hidden Compound Properties (like .xform) which # results in name collisions when saving properties in cask. # Using OObjects avoids this problem, but we have to set # the metadata manually. if self.iobject: meta = self.iobject.getMetaData() else: meta = alembic.AbcCoreAbstract.MetaData() for k, v in self.metadata.items(): meta.set(k, v) if self._oobject is None: if self.iobject: self._klass = alembic.Abc.OObject else: self._klass = OOBJECTS.get(self.type()) if self._klass: if not self.parent: print "OObject is missing parent:", self.path() self._oobject = self._klass(self.parent.oobject,, meta, self.time_sampling_id) else: print "OObject class not found for: %s" % ( return self._oobject def __set_oobject(self, oobject): """sets oobject""" self._oobject = oobject oobject = property(__get_oobject, __set_oobject, doc="Internal Alembic OObject object.") @wrapped def __get_schema(self): """gets schema""" if self.iobject and self._schema is None: self._schema = self.iobject.getSchema() return self._schema def __set_schema(self, schema): """sets schema""" self._schema = schema schema = property(__get_schema, __set_schema, doc="Returns the Alembic schema object.") @classmethod
[docs] def matches(cls, iobject): """ Returns True if a given iobject type matches this type. """ return IOBJECTS.get(cls.__name__).matches(iobject.getMetaData())
def __get_parent(self): """gets parent""" if self._parent is None and self.iobject: parent = self.iobject.getParent() if parent.getFullName() == "/": self._parent = Top(parent) else: self._parent = wrap(parent) return self._parent def __set_parent(self, parent): """sets parent""" self._parent = parent self._oobject = None if parent and type(self) != Top: parent.add_child(self) parent = property(__get_parent, __set_parent, doc="Parent object accessor.") def __get_name(self): """gets name""" if not hasattr(self, "_name"): if self.iobject: self._name = self.iobject.getName() else: self._name = None return self._name def __set_name(self, name): """sets name""" old = self._name self._name = name if self.parent and hasattr(self._parent, "_child_dict"): if old and old in self._parent._child_dict.keys(): self._parent._child_dict.remove(old) self._parent._child_dict[name] = self name = property(__get_name, __set_name, doc="Set and get the name of the object.") def __get_tsid(self): """gets time sampling id""" if self._tsid is None: return self.parent.time_sampling_id return self._tsid def __set_tsid(self, tsid): """sets time sampling id""" self._tsid = tsid time_sampling_id = property(__get_tsid, __set_tsid, doc="Time sampling ID.") def __get_metadata(self): """returns metadata dict""" if not self._metadata and self.iobject: meta = self.iobject.getMetaData() for field in meta.serialize().split(';'): splits = field.split('=') key = splits[0].replace('_ai_','') value = '='.join(splits[1:]) self._metadata[key] = value return self._metadata def __set_metadata(self, metadata): """sets metadata dict""" self._metadata = metadata metadata = property(__get_metadata, __set_metadata, doc="Metadata as a dict.")
[docs] def archive(self): """Returns the Archive for this object.""" parent = self.parent while parent and parent.type() != "Archive": parent = parent.parent return parent
[docs] def path(self): """Returns the full path/name of this object.""" path = [""] obj = self while obj and obj.type() != "Top": path.insert(1, obj = obj.parent return "/".join(path)
[docs] def type(self): """Returns the name of the class.""" return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def add_child(self, child): """ Adds a child object to this object. :param child: cask.Object """ self.children[] = child
def __read_object(self): """reads object, sets name""" if self.iobject and type(self) != Top: = self.iobject.getName() @property def children(self): """Returns children sub-tree accessor. """ if not self._child_dict.visited and self.iobject: for i in range(self.iobject.getNumChildren()): child = wrap( iobject = self.iobject.getChild(i), time_sampling_id = self.time_sampling_id ) self._child_dict[] = child return self._child_dict @property def properties(self): """Properties accessor.""" if not self._prop_dict.visited and self.iobject: props = self.iobject.getProperties() for i in range(len(props.propertyheaders)): prop = Property( iproperty = props.getProperty(i), time_sampling_id = self.time_sampling_id ) self._prop_dict[] = prop return self._prop_dict @property def samples(self): """Returns samples from the Alembic IObject.""" if self.iobject and len(self._isamples) == 0: num_samples = self.schema.getNumSamples() schema = self.schema self._isamples = [schema.getValue(i) for i in range(num_samples)] return self._isamples
[docs] def set_sample(self, sample, index=None): """ Sets an Alembic sample object on this object. *Do we want to expose samples at all? Should all data be set via seting values on properties, directly or with high level methods? :param sample: Alembic sample object. :param index: Index of the sample to set, or None. """ if index is None: index = len(self._osamples) assert type(sample) == self._sample_class,\ "Can not set %s on %s object" % (sample.__class__.__name__, self.type()) self._osamples.insert(index, sample)
def _set_default_sample(self): pass
[docs] def is_leaf(self): """ Returns True if this object is a leaf node, i.e. it has no children. """ return len(self.children) == 0
[docs] def is_animated(self): """ Returns True if any properties are not constant. """ self._is_animated = False def _is_animated(prop): """recursive check""" if not prop.is_compound() and not prop.iobject.isConstant(): self._is_animated = True for child in _is_animated(child) for prop in _is_animated(prop) return self._is_animated
[docs] def is_deforming(self): """ Returns True if the object has changing P values. """ try: prop =[".geom/P"] if prop: return not prop.iobject.isConstant() return False except KeyError: return False
[docs] def start_frame(self): """ :param fps: Frames per second used to calculate the start frame (default 24.0) :return: Start frame as float """ try: time_sample = self.iobject.getTimeSampling() fps = self.archive().fps return round(time_sample.getSampleTime(0) * fps) except AttributeError: return self.parent.start_frame()
[docs] def end_frame(self, fps=24): """ :param fps: Frames per second used to calculate the end frame (default 24.0) :return: Last frame as float """ try: time_sample = self.iobject.getTimeSampling() num_samples = self.iobject.getNumSamples() fps = self.archive().fps if num_samples: return round(time_sample.getSampleTime(num_samples - 1) * fps) return round(time_sample.getSampleTime(0) * fps) except AttributeError: return self.parent.end_frame()
[docs] def global_matrix(self): """Returns world space matrix for this object.""" def accum_xform(xform, obj): """recursive xform accum""" if Xform.matches(obj._iobject): xform *= obj.matrix() xform = imath.M44d() xform.makeIdentity() parent = self while parent and type(parent) not in [Archive, Top]: accum_xform(xform, parent) parent = parent.parent return xform
[docs] def clear_properties(self): """Clears the internal properties container.""" self._prop_dict = DeepDict(self, Property)
[docs] def clear_samples(self): """Clears the internal samples container.""" self._isamples = [] self._osamples = []
[docs] def clear_children(self): """Clears the internal children container.""" self._child_dict = DeepDict(self, Object)
def clear_all(self): self.clear_properties() self.clear_samples() self.clear_children()
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes this object by removing references to internal OObject. """ if self.parent and self.parent.type() != 'Archive': del self.parent.children[] self._iobject = None self._oobject = None self._klass = None self._parent = None self._schema = None self.clear_all() for prop in prop.close() del prop
[docs] def save(self): """ Walks child and property sub-trees creating OObjects as necessary. """ obj = self.oobject for prop in prop.close() del prop if not self._osamples: self._set_default_sample() # OCameras have no getSchema method, properties written explicitly if self.type() == 'Camera' and self.iobject: return for sample in self._osamples: try: if self.type() == 'Light' \ and type(sample) == alembic.AbcGeom.CameraSample: obj.getSchema().setCameraSample(sample) else: obj.getSchema().set(sample) except AttributeError, err: print "Error setting sample on %s: %s\n%s" \ %(, sample, err) del sample del obj
[docs]class Top(Object): """Alembic Top Object.""" def __init__(self, archive, iobject=None): super(Top, self).__init__(iobject) self._parent = weakref.proxy(archive) self._parent._top = self self.oobject = None @classmethod
[docs] def matches(cls, iobject): """Returns True if iobject is a Top object.""" return iobject.__class__ == cls.__class__
[docs] def is_leaf(self): """Returns False.""" return False
[docs] def path(self): """Returns the full path/name of this object.""" return "/"
def __get_name(self): return "ABC" def __set_name(self, name): raise TypeError("Can not set name on Top object.") name = property(__get_name, __set_name, doc="Returns the object name, which for Top is always ABC")
[docs]class Xform(Object): """Xform I/O Object subclass.""" _sample_class = alembic.AbcGeom.XformSample def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Xform, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def matrix(self, index=0): """ Returns the xform matrix value for a given index. :param index: Sample index. """ return self.schema.getValue(index).getMatrix()
[docs] def set_scale(self, *args): """ Creates an internal XformSample object and sets the scale value. """ if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == imath.V3d: scale = args[0] else: scale = imath.V3d(args[0], args[1], args[2]) xform_sample = alembic.AbcGeom.XformSample() xform_sample.setScale(scale) self.set_sample(xform_sample)
[docs]class PolyMesh(Object): """PolyMesh I/O Object subclass.""" _sample_class = alembic.AbcGeom.OPolyMeshSchemaSample def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PolyMesh, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class SubD(Object): """SubD I/O Object subclass.""" _sample_class = alembic.AbcGeom.OSubDSchemaSample def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SubD, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class FaceSet(Object): """FaceSet I/O Object subclass.""" _sample_class = alembic.AbcGeom.OFaceSetSchemaSample def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FaceSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Curve(Object): """Curve I/O Object subclass.""" _sample_class = alembic.AbcGeom.OCurvesSchemaSample def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Curve, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Camera(Object): """Camera I/O Object subclass.""" _sample_class = alembic.AbcGeom.CameraSample def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Camera, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def _set_default_sample(self): self.set_sample(alembic.AbcGeom.CameraSample(), 0)
[docs]class NuPatch(Object): """NuPath I/O Object subclass.""" _sample_class = alembic.AbcGeom.ONuPatchSchemaSample def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NuPatch, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Material(Object): """Material I/O Object subclass.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Material, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Light(Object): """Light I/O Object subclass.""" _sample_class = alembic.AbcGeom.CameraSample def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Light, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Points(Object): """Points I/O Object subclass.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Points, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)